The Totika Cube is a quick and simple communication game where players roll for a color, draw a card and ask any other player the rolled color question.
No set-up time and may be played as a toss and catch game. Just toss to next player who looks under their hand for the color question to ask.
The Totika Mindfulness question deck includes a total of 192 open-ended questions in four categories: Self-Actualization & Paying it Forward; Coping in a Pandemic & Self-Care; Consientiousness; Empathy for Self & Others. The Mindfulness deck contains sophisticated questions intended for ages 13 to Adult.
Totika Cube may be played with any Totika Card Deck available separately including Resilience, Self Esteem, Life Skills, Anger and Bullying.
MINDFULNESS: a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.